Supporting the Immune System during the Coronavirus

Supporting the Immune System during the Coronavirus

We wanted to blog about the Coronavirus and share the recommendations we are giving our clients to support themselves and their health during this time.

In Kinesiology, we approach the body in 4 ways.


  1. Physically
  2. Nutritionally
  3. Emotionally
  4. Electrically

Supporting the Immune System Physically

  • Thymus support: Rub or tap the Angle of Louis (see picture above) which is the location of the thymus gland and is important in promoting the production and maturation of T-Lymphocytes in the immune system
  • Move your body: Move and exercise your body to move lymph. The lymphatic system requires movement to function effectively and the primary function of this system is to distribute infection fighting white blood cells throughout the body. Its important with exercise that you are not stressing the body too much as high cortisol can negatively affect the immune system (see details below). The emphasis here is moving the body and its even better if you do so with an exercise you enjoy
  • In Kinesiology, massaging the muscles linked to organs can support immune function. The muscle involved with the immune system is infraspinatus in the shoulder and the spleen / pancreas muscles include
    • latissimus dorsi in the back
    • opponens policis in the hand
    • middle and lower trapezius in the back
    • triceps in the arm
  • Neuro-lymphatic massage: Massaging the spleen neuro-lymphatic points on the 7-8th rib on the left-hand side will help increase lymph flow (see picture above)
  • Sleep: Sleep well and for 8 hours. Sleep deprivation is associated with increased susceptibility to infection. We recommend to high intensity exercise in the morning or afternoon to avoid disrupting relaxation in the evening and therefore disturbing sleep
  • Avoid touching your eyes and mouth
  • Hand washing: Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds regularly
  • Public bathrooms: If you are in a public bathroom, turn off the tap with the paper towel you are drying your hands with. Also open the bathroom door with the same paper towel you used to dry your hands

Supporting the Immune System Nutritionally

  • Cut out sugar: The spleen is an important organ and a part of the immune system. Its partner and neighbour organ is the pancreas. To nutritionally support the spleen / pancreas it is important to cut out processed sugar which can suppress immune function. Viruses thrive on sugar as a source of energy so replace processed carbohydrates with a wholesome diet rich in vegetables. Juicing might be a way of getting vitamins into the body but the juice is a carbohydrate (sugar) and spikes blood sugar levels so if you want to juice to support your immune system, add a protein powder and a fat such as nuts, nut butter, avocado into the mix to make it more balanced
  • Cut out food intolerances: The big immune deregulators are wheat and dairy. Wheat causes large scale inflammation, especially for the digestion, which houses approx. 70 percent of the cells that make up the immune system. Supporting the gut microbiome with a diet rich in nutrients and taking a digestive support in the way of enzymes or HCL can be another great way to support the immune system. Dairy is a mucus creator affecting lungs, nose, ears and throat
  • Eat PFC: We advocate the PFC (protein, fat, carb) balanced way of eating which is another support to the spleen / pancreas and helps with blood sugar control. With each meal, ensure there is a portion of protein (meat, fish, eggs, tofu, protein powder), with a teaspoon of fat (avocado, oils, nuts, olives, lard, tallow) and include unlimited unstarchy carbs (green and white vegetables) with half a cup of starchy vegetables or fruit
  • Eat warm: When the weather is cold and damp, it is preferable to eat warm, cooked food rather than salads. As the spring/summer approaches, welcome more raw food into your diet if your digestion allows
  • Take supplements: The supplements we recommend in the clinic to support the immune system include
    • Zinc
    • Vitamin A, C, D, E, K
    • B vitamins, especially B6, B9 and B12
    • Omega 3 – reduces inflammation
    • Propolis – a natural antibiotic
    • Pre and probiotics for the gut microbiome
    • N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine – builds antioxidants to protect from cell damage, good for respiratory conditions and improves immune function
    • Adaptogenic herbs including
      • Reishi – increases natural killer cell activity in the immune system, inhibits viral, bacterial and fungal infections and contains beta glucans which stimulate immune function
      • Siberian Ginseng – stimulates the immune system and reduces severity of illness, especially good for respiratory symptoms
      • Ashwagandha – reduces cortisol levels, dampens stress effects on the immune system and reduces anxiety
      • Astralagus – antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties

Supporting the Immune System Emotionally

  • Reduce stress: High levels of the stress hormone cortisol cause dysregulation in the immune response, increases inflammation and turns down the body’s ability to produce lymphocytes (white blood cells, part of our immune defense). Avoiding panic, drama and reducing stress is important with immune function
  • Breathe deep and embrace emotions: In Traditional Chinese Medicine the lungs are viewed as the organ of grief, regret, loss and guilt. Questioning whether these emotions are challenging or unprocessed can be an effective exploration for the lung meridian. We advocate embracing emotions rather than avoiding or overcoming them. We run an emotional retreat called Reclaim Your Life each year for clients helping them to come into relationship with all the emotional spectrum. Deep sighing and breathing can be a support to the lungs as well as being a method of destressing.
  • Hold ESR: For emotional turmoil, we recommend to hold the Emotional Stress Release (ESR) points on the forehead

Supporting the Immune System Electrically

  • Meridian running: Tracing the Triple Warmer meridian (for the immune system), the Spleen meridian and the Lung meridian will electrically support the body
  • Meridian tapping: Tap Kidney 27 – an acupuncture point that organises energy flow through the body and is known as the connection to self point (see picture above)
  • Stay hydrated: Ensuring the body is well hydrated by drinking 2 litres of filtered water daily

Our Approach

In light of the coronavirus, our clinics and Kinesiology teaching school, The College of Functional Kinesiology, will continue to run courses and appointments until we are informed we need to do otherwise. However, safety of you and our clients / students is our top priority and therefore we are putting the following measures in place.

If you are a client and have an appointment with us or you are a student attending a course with us in the coming weeks, please adhere to the following advice;

  • If you or a member of your immediate family, has a temperature and a new repetitive cough, please inform us and plan to stay home. We will organise a reschedule
  • Please wash your hands on arrival
  • Please familiarise yourselves with this advice on the NHS website 

If you have any questions or concerns, you are welcome to message us.