New Thinking with Endometriosis

New Thinking with Endometriosis

Endometriosis is on the increase, 1 in 10 women now suffer with this painful condition in the UK.

It is difficult for women to get a diagnosis because symptoms can appear to be coming from elsewhere, women’s pain can be normalised by practitioners and there is no test for diagnosing endo.

The current treatment for endometriosis involves using synthetic contraceptives and surgery to try and remove the endometrial tissue. This is a tragically myopic approach. New research that has recently emerged shows how clear the connection between poor gut health and endometriosis is so working at balancing the microbiome can be key.

Endometriosis is complicated. It’s often touted as being an “oestrogen imbalance” but it’s not that simple. The oestrogen is part of the issue with our gut and the whole picture is one of inflammation. So, the question is – what is causing the inflammation?

Diet is always our first “go to” when looking at inflammation. There is a reason the body is in an inflammatory response caused by the effect of “stressors” on the body and the most common stressor is diet and food intolerance.

Many clients notice huge changes in symptoms just by giving up dairy and gluten but sadly in the case of deeply onset endometriosis just avoiding these won’t be enough.

Hormonal suppression with birth control is a common treatment for endo and works by shutting down ovulation and inducing oestrogen deficiency. Oestrogen deficiency slows the growth of the lesions, but it does not cure the disease. It has many side effects including depression and bone loss. At best it puts a sticking plaster over the issue, at worse it contributes to the condition.

The high levels of oestrogen and the synthetic progesterone ‘progestin’ used in the medication stop our bodies natural production of progesterone which is essential as an anti inflammatory.

Lifestyle factors such as toxic chemical exposure from cleaning products, pesticides, skincare and makeup are also major contributing factors to increased stress hormones in the body as well as doing the wrong exercise.

Ultimately, there is no silver bullet for endometriosis but you can find a way to manage it but it requires a “whole health” approach and working with a practitioner who knows this and can work in this way is essential.