03 Sep Healthy Food Recommendations
Here at Balanced Wellness we recommend
- Fresh clean filtered water
- Herbal teas, no caffeine including black tea or coffee
- Salads in the summers, warm cooked crunchy vegetables in the winter
- Seasonal vegetables and fruits where possible
- Organic where possible
- Brown rice – short grain is excellent for soothing the digestion
- Wheat free pasta
- Nuts and seeds
- Use houmous and spreads such as almond butter on oat cakes
- try coconut oil as a spread instead of butter and please never margarines or similar!
- Salads can include sundried tomatoes, olives and artichokes
- Homemade wheat free bread (invest in a bread maker)
- Rye bread from The village bakery – tastes just like brown bread – available in Waitrose
- Seasonal soups – add water, any vegetables, herbs, spices and a stock cube – so easy!
- Add oils to everything (but do not heat them)
- Apple cider vinegar is great as a salad dressing or added to soups
- Garlic and onions support the immune system
- Make sure you have greens every single day
- Syneprotein, TNT and colloidal minerals every morning for breakfast in a shaker
- Wild fish (farmed fish has less and sometimes no essential fatty acids)
- Use organic meat and avoid pork
- Raw chocolate is a great substitute to normal chocolate and does not contain sugar (found in good health food stores)
- Booja booja do fantastic dairy free, sugar free ice cream with a base of cashews, water and agave nectar (found in good health food stores)
- Avoid caffeine from tea, coffee and colas. Try Whole Earth “wake up” which is roasted barley with guarana. A great coffee alternative or Yannoh for the non-guarana version. For tea try Rooibos
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