Menopause in the Workplace

We offer packages and wellness coaching for women experiencing peri and menopause in the workplace. Based in Hampshire and able to travel or offer zoom support nationally and internationally.

“I’ve worked with Balanced Wellness for a number of years now. They are experts with issues such as anxiety, stress and hormones. I would highly recommend to anyone personally or any organisations that would benefit from an expert speaker.”

Emily Perry, Director at The Shore Group

“Great energy and always gives 110% to everyone and everything they do – a great team to work with and highly experienced teachers to learn from.” 

Lorraine, NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme at ICS

Why is menopause hot topic?

Menopausal women are the fastest growing demographic in the workplace but 3 out of 5 women say that their menopause has negatively impacted their work and creates a higher intention to leave the workplace.

Menopausal symptoms are now the norm for women in midlife. The last 3 decades of stress, poor diet and hormonal interventions mean that when it comes to peri to post menopause the natural transition has become an increasingly difficult experience. We see many women in our clinics who are looking for education, empowerment and solutions, who have often tried the traditional routes and found they have offered very little improvement.

Why is Corporate Menopause Wellbeing Important?

Impacting work

Three out of five (59%) working women between the ages of 45 and 55 who are experiencing menopause symptoms say it has a negative impact on them at work.

Managing Symptoms

The most commonly reported difficulties that menopausal women report at work include poor concentration, tiredness, poor memory, feeling low/depressed and lowered confidence. Problematic hot flushes at work have also been linked to women having a higher intention to leave the workforce.

Part of Menopause Policy

Menopause policies are workplace guidelines which manages women, trans, and non-binary employees who are experiencing menopausal symptoms and demonstrates a companies support and commitment to their staffs welfare.

Reducing Absenteeism

Women who are empowered to manage their wellbeing are happier, healthier and more fulfilled and will take less time off due to symptoms. 

Menopause in the Workplace Support


Clinic and Coaching Sessions

We provide menopause health sessions to identify the areas of their health they could benefit focusing on and support them with nutrition and lifestyle support. We also provide education on HRT options. We can provide staff satisfaction reports for HR on request.

Talks and Courses

Are your staff interested in learning the latest in stress, hormones, digestive and immune health? We offer a broad range of educational talks with a menopause focus that can be delivered live, online or pre-recorded and promise to inspire, excite and educate your team.

Group Support

For groups of staff, we can provide online wellness programmes and workshops complete with diet plans, lifestyle recommendations, supplementation advice and informative lectures to empower women to action health improvements that get results.

Menopause Coaching Diploma

Through our college, we offer an accredited training qualification for menopause wellness  for those interested in improving their understanding, knowledge and coaching skills with staff.

Hormone Expertise

This is a snippet from a talk we give on hormones. We have over 15 years clinical experience working in women’s health and we run a college offering an internationally accredited menopause diploma course.

Is HR Really Responsible For Wellbeing In The Workplace?

Claire and HR and Performance Director Emily Perry from The Shore Group talk about the problem that HR teams have with being untrained to deal with the health and mental health issues they are expected to deal with. They also discuss how businesses can change their training and culture to create more KPI’s around wellbeing instead of having a “fluffy” approach.

Pricing Options

  • Online Programme

  • £97
    • Per person
    • Delivered online
    • Supported with a online community of senior practitioners
    • 12 month programme
    • Nutrition, food recommendations, supplements and lifestyle specific for peri and menopausal health

  • Clinic Appointments

  • £200
    • Per one hour appointment per person
    • Online via zoom
    • In our Hampshire clinic or appointments in your office
    • Travel expenses extra if necessary

  • Talks or Workshops

  • £200
    • Per hour, per presenter
    • Delivered by Tracey Cleeve or Crystal Farmer
    • Online via zoom
    • Presentations at your office
    • Topics include peri menopause, digestive health, hormone health and nutritional recommendations
    • Travel expenses extra if necessary

  • Directors Project

  • £500
    • Per hour, per presenter
    • Delivered by Claire Snowdon-Darling or Laura Knowles
    • Talks
    • Workshops
    • Presentations
    • Projects
    • Appointments
    • Travel expenses extra if necessary

Who we have worked with

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