03 Sep Sugar Alternatives
Diabetes and obesity is on the increase thanks to the excess sugar in our diets. Sugar can be found in
- Processed foods
- Cakes
- Biscuits
- Puddings
- Sweets
- Chocolate
- Icecream
- Desserts
- Fizzy drinks
- Alcohol
Effects on the body include
- Raises insulin levels – can cause diabetes, hyperglycaemia
- Increases body fat and cholesterol
- Decreased overall energy
- Creates bad bacteria in the gut – yeast, candida, thrush, digestive problems
- Interferes with hormones
- Weakens eyesight
- Interferes with the absorption of protein
- Causes food allergies
- Skin conditions such as eczema / psoriasis
- Lowers immune
- Contributes to osteoporosis
Sugar alternatives
- Avoid sugar replacements such as aspartame which create more chaos in the body
- Xylitol is a natural sweetener that does not raise glycaemic index (GI)
- Agave nectar
- Rice syrup
- Good quality honey
- Natural liquorice
- Fruits
- Dried fruits – prunes, dates, raisins
- Raw chocolate
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