headaches Tag

Here is the case of a woman with IBS and headaches and how I used Kinesiology to support her. How many sessions: 6 over a 6 month period What I did in the clinic: The work has mostly been around reducing stress in her digestion and using Kinesiology techniques for rebalancing the intestinal system. I have also been supporting the endocrine system for the headaches to reduce the stress response in the body. We have also explored areas she “gut reacts” to.
[caption id="attachment_2396" align="aligncenter" width="465"] Could painkillers be the cause of the biggest hangover?[/caption] “Now the drugs don't work, they just make you worse” Well the Verve could be right. NICE have revealed today that ‘common painkillers such as aspirin, paracetamol and triptans could actually be the cause of the headaches' rather than relieving them.