Go Get It – How To Thrive When Busy
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There is a famous adage "if you want something doing, ask a busy person". That's me, busy and always doing stuff. I'm a doer - always have been, always will be, I've always got a stack of projects on the go and a few more waiting on the sideline
Not everyone is this way. I had a friend who had to stop her dance class when she was buying a house because it was too overwhelming.
I'm the opposite. A while ago we knocked down our house and I project managed the rebuild whilst running my clinic. At the same time I was teaching, participating in a a massive self development course, kept my network marketing business moving forward, fitted in 3 holidays and a nutrition diploma and found time for my family and a bit of retail therapy. This is not to say "I'm better than my friend - actually it's taken an awful lot of work for me to realise that my body has an overwhelm level and I have to listen carefully to it to make sure I'm not going to crash. What I want to do with this blog is give some guidelines to help those who don't stop.
29 October, 2012