supplements Tag

Our clients are asking us what supplements are best to take at the moment. In clinic, we use muscle testing to identify the best supplement for each person as everyone is different with different backgrounds and symptoms. However, there are a few go to daily essentials that we would recommend for most people. Have a look at the list below and choose your supplements based on what you need support with. B complex...

  If you are experiencing IBS you may find you can really benefit from a clean diet that is full of whole foods and excludes processed foods and common sensitisers. However, you may also really benefit from giving your irritable bowels some extra support with supplementing. To discover the exact supplements that will be beneficial you can work with a Kinesiologist, a nutritionist or a naturopath but there are some supplements...

So as a kinesiologist I spend a preposterous amount of my time around nutritional supplements, literally I'm surrounded by bottles and jars of different coloured and sized pills. I haven't always been fascinated by them. Up until I was 30 the most I'd ever taken was one of those delicious fizzy orange things that are supposed to be good for a hangover, but now they are a big part of my life So the big question I get asked a lot is why do we need them? Well here's the thing, since we started intensively farming in the 80's many trace minerals have been depleted from the soil meaning that basically our food isn't as packed full of the good stuff anymore. This has created what we kinesiologist's call "nutritional gaps So come on be honest,  hands up who eats:
  • 5 a day?
  • 10 a day?
  • Organic 10 a day?
  • Eats fast food or pre prepared food?
  • Has central heating or carpets in their house