07 Nov The Vaccine Debate – does vaccination protect children?
Yesterday I started a Facebook war. It was an accident. All I did was share the photo above but it seemed to trigger responses from a lot of people.
It seems we are really divided on the subject of vaccines.
Very often it seems that people have them because they are told to or because it’s the “done” thing or even worse because your child won’t get into their chosen school without them.
We are becoming obsessed I’ve heard of perfectly healthy 30 year olds having the flu jab or giving kids chicken pox vaccine. When my daughter was little we used to arrange chicken pox parties to get it over and done with.
The problem is that we don’t know what all this messing about is doing with our immune systems as part of the big picture. What if surviving chicken pox and flu when we are kids means our bodies are able to deal with some horror weve not yet heard of thats waiting in the wings.
The body is amazing, we come in contact with thousands of bugs every day and our immune system does it’s job most of the time, it takes a lot for the bugs to get through, in fact Louis Pasteur was said to renounce his work on his deathbed saying the bugs where already inherent in the body waiting for the right environment to be created they weren’t “caught”, this throws a spanner in the war of “us v’s the bugs” or as the mum in my favourite TV show “Dharma and Gregg” said -” bugs can only fly in when there is a hole in the soul”
One thing I do know is prevention is always better than cure. In the new hollywood movie “Contagion” the head of the CDC says about the superbug threatening to wipe out the human race is “the mortality rate is fluctuating depending on underlying medical conditions, socio-economic factors, nutrition and fresh water.
This is a big part of the argument for me.
Hands up who eats 10 organic fruit and veg a day, no coffee or alcohol,drinks 2 litres of water, has no sugar and lives a totally stress free life? Not many of us..
We have got into a place where we absolve ourselves of the responsibility of our health, it’s not our problem it’s the NHS’s and it’s much cheaper for them to jab us than fix us.
I’m not saying don’t do it, I’m saying think about it and research it before you do it, if you are about to volunteer to clear an old well out in a remote part of India your gonna want some peace of mind that you won’t die of cholera. I get it but also make sure you support your body properly as well.
There are alternatives. Homeopathy uses nosodes or looks at “fixing the weakness” in the body’s natural defences
In Kinesiology we use an energy signature of the disease and strengthen the immune system so it doesn’t fall apart when it comes on contact with the bugs or virus.
One of the comments on Facebook was that a general blanket opposition to vaccines is just as useless as fear based strategising from the drug companies pushing unnecessary vaccines on healthy people, the conflicting ideologies is confusing and we don’t know what to do for the best. The reality is that you have to be able to live with your choices and the outcomes of them, be that reacting to a vaccine or contracting a disease. In the words of Monty Python “don’t let anyone tell you what to do,we are all individuals” Thanks Brian for that.
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