Ready to start your path to wellness?

If you are on this page, you want a tailored  health plan based on your Symptom Assessor results for Hormone Pathway #4

What is in this Toolkit?

      1. Diet Plan
      2. Food Intolerance Guide
      3. Recipe Collection
      4. Tailored Supplement Advice
      5. Lifestyle Advice
      6. Online Health Group

Your toolkit will give you…

Hormone Balancing

After working in women’s health for over a decade, we know that every condition can be traced back to a hormonal response. It is important to get the foundations in place to balance all our hormones (not just the sex hormones we all know about!) The toolkits do exactly this.

Clinical Expertise

The advice in these toolkits is based on the information we’ve given to thousands of clients and provides you with a clear map on how to manage symptoms and feel better. Our clients tell us that they often feel relief to be guided with a plan that really delivers.

Access to Practitioners

Every toolkit includes an online health group so you can ask questions and get direct support from the experienced practitioners in the Balanced Wellness team. We have walked this path you are on and have helped thousands of people do the same.

Save Time and Money

Buying a toolkit will save you time and money seeing a practitioner on a one to one basis. The Symptom Assessor identifies the focus that a practitioner would have identified and the Essential Toolkit gives you the nutritional and lifestyle recommendations you need to get you on the path to wellness.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the assessor right?

You may look at the other toolkits and resonate with them more. And yes, you may need another toolkit in future but the symptom assessor has reviewed all your information and knows where best to start. Therefore focus on the toolkit recommended and retake the assessor one month later to see if your recommendation has changed.

Is it right for me?

The symptom assessor is a clever questionnaire based on over 10 years in clinic plus the research from the College of Functional Kinesiology.

Health issues come from a hormonal imbalance somewhere. The symptom assessor identifies the imbalances and the toolkits correct them. There are lectures included in all the toolkits to give you all the information you need to understand what’s happening in your body.

But what if I’m a complicated case?

Then you are in the right place.

We have spent years working with complicated cases – the people who have tried everything and still haven’t found the solutions they are looking for. In fact, we are those complicated cases who have trodden this pathway ourselves.

Toolkit or Bundle?

We have 2 options available.

Either purchase the single health toolkit recommended by the Symptom Assessor for £47 which is designed for 1-2 months or buy the bundle for £147 where you can use the assessor each month for as long as you need and you will have access to all our recommendations.

Do I need lab tests for my hormones?

We recommend using the toolkits as a starting point before spending money on lab tests (which can be expensive). Often when we get diet, supplement, lifestyle in alignment, hormones can start to balance.

We advise at least 3 months for hormone correction so it might be worth investing in the bundle and committing to doing the symptom assessor once a month for the 3 months and following the programme that is recommended.